Friday, April 25, 2008

Washington State Delegates

What’s this? Ron Paul tops McCain?
By GREGG HERRINGTON, Columbian editorial writer


Item 1 — Paul prevails: ... it’s clear that Paul outpolled McCain by a substantial margin overall. Most of that margin was built among participants from the 18th Legislative District of north and far east Clark County, where Paul forces captured between 25 and 28 of the 30 delegate slots bound for the state convention.


Paul’s forces big in Spokane, too

If local Republicans are mortified by the thought of the county party sending more Paul delegates than McCain delegates to the state convention, they can take solace knowing what happened at the Spokane County GOP convention was even weirder.

The Paul forces “ate McCain’s lunch,” a Spokane reporter told me, vastly outnumbering them and pushing through a get-out-of-Iraq-fast plank in the local party platform. That must be a real hit at state GOP headquarters and at the altar of pre-emptive war in the White House.