Some financial commentators are beginning to sound the economic themes of which Ron Paul speaks.
Lots of Talk, Little Action as Stagflation Predominates
It seems like Nero fiddling while Rome burns. The most-advertised recession of all time has come without any of the talking heads in Washington having done anything to actually prevent it. And, it appears that the politicians have done everything to actually cause a recession instead of preventing one.
In addition, the bush and his fellow-travelers in Congress pushed through legislation requiring diversion of substantial quantities of our Corn crop to Ethanol production, causing food prices to skyrocket, all in the name of reducing the cost of importing oil. Instead, both energy and food prices have gone through the roof.
Since the Fed bailed out Bear Stearns (an investment bank), 259,000 homes have been foreclosed upon. Where is the Fed when they are really needed?
If this is the best we can get from the Fed, why do we need them at all? They play games with our money, debasing it and then promising it to their banking friends in case they lose it. All the while, taxpayers are given short shrift by the bankers and lose their homes.
The bush in the White House is now planning to lead the country's future, its young people, into yet another war in the MidEast in the name of "freedom." It's about time the citizens of this country stood up and refused to participate in the evilness of this bush and his band of cronies, both Democrats and Republicans, in Washington. And, considering how badly the Fed has done its job, it's probably time to consider repealing the statute which created this public-private entity, which at its heart violates the Constitution, which prohibits the government from ever printing money.