Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Hampshire GOP Debate

Early in the race for the GOP nomination for President, many actors are testing their talking points. A couple credible newspapers published stories indicating Ron Paul won the New Hampshire GOP debate last night.

An analysis of audience reaction shows Paul was applauded twice as much as any other candidate on stage.
... Paul earned applause throughout the debate, on a variety of issues, including his opposition to "government assistance to private enterprise," his belief that people should be able to "opt out" of Medicare, his views on the separation of church and state, and his opposition to the United States' various wars.

"I'd bring them home as quickly impossible," he said of U.S. troops. "I'd quit bombing Yemen and Pakistan."

Ron Paul wins New Hampshire GOP debate
The winner of the night – who was also the winner of the first Republican debate – was Ron Paul. At least a few times, some of the candidates referenced Dr. Paul in their answers, and sounded their best when they used similar rhetoric as the Congressman from Texas.