Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's Official: Ron Paul Won Nevada

The Nevada GOP shut down their state convention when it became clear that Ron Paul supporters would be the majority of delegates to go to the national convention. The Nevada GOP failed to restart the convention, hand-picked political operatives thus dis-enfranchising Republicans, and was susequently scolded by the national GOP for their behavior.

Some uncounted ballots were found and have now been counted. The ballots covered three delegates that would go to the national convention, and the count has shown that all three delegates would have been Ron Paul supporters if the ballots had been counted.

The Nevada GOP did the wrong thing at the state convention, and they disenfranchised many Republicans.

Missing GOP ballots counted in Nev. after months
The Associated Press

Eighteen months later, Nevada Republicans have completed a count of all delegate ballots from last year's state convention.

A group of disaffected Republicans says it feels vindicated after a Friday night count of missing ballots from the April 2008 gathering showed three delegates for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul should have been sent to the national convention.
