Friday, September 5, 2008

The John Birch Society at Ron Paul’s Rally

Several years ago I only knew about JBS by what I had read in the mainstream media. JBS is a group dedicated to small government. Everyone with JBS who I have spoken with has been low-key, pleasant, and knowledgeable.

The John Birch Society at Ron Paul’s Rally

The rally, which drew an estimated 12,000 people, was held not far from the Republican Convention in neighboring St. Paul.
But if Wolf found McManus’ appearance a bit odd, the crowd did not judging by their response to McManus’ speech (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), as well as to the hi-tech John Birch Society booth. McManus’ speech was repeatedly interrupted with applause, and the JBS booth was the most popular one at the rally, as evidenced by the large number of people who gathered around and visited it throughout the day.
Yet Ron Paul’s message in support of the Constitution, limited government at home, and minding our own business abroad is not odd at all.

What’s odd is the Republican Party’s treatment of his positions, and the major media's complicity, even as they defend or rationalize our country’s almost $10 trillion debt, endless war, lack of border enforcement, debasing the currency, and a host of other problems slowly ruining our nation.
“We’ll keep spreading the message of the John Birch Society contained in our motto, ‘Less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world,” John F. McManus said in his speech.