Monday, May 12, 2008

False Choice


The Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate always said there was no justification for war with Iraq – no weapons of mass destruction, no threat to the United States – and his colleagues in Congress and most of the American people ignored him.

Ron Paul also saw that we were headed for a financial collapse and runaway inflation because of the Federal Reserve Bank – and his colleagues in Congress and almost all of the American people ignored him.

Now, Americans realize the war was wrong, and they want the troops to come home – but they still vote for candidates who won't promise to bring the troops home and who are ready or even eager to commit troops elsewhere.

Now, Americans know the economy's in a recession, if not a depression, and inflation worries loom – but still they vote for candidates who offer no serious monetary reform.

Apparently there is much educational work to be done – and now Ron Paul is taking up that challenge, too.
His new book, "The Revolution: A Manifesto," presents his political philosophy and provides a blueprint for restoring a peaceful, prosperous American Republic.

Paul shows how Republican politicians pull the wool over conservatives' eyes.
