By M Brannon Parker
AMERICA. What is America? What is America beyond the media, beyond the hyperbole and the image?
We see Hillary Rodham Clinton: Champion of Fascism in the name of Socialism with enforced vaccinations, health care based on Government approved standards that do not recognize natural and alternative health care, mandatory health insurance similar to the auto insurance industry mandates. Dedicated to the so-called drug war against the people and continued subsidization of the prison industrial complex. At best she will give America another dose of Clintonian governance.
Barack Hussein Obama: An unknown whose rise to political power was built upon the scandals of his political rivals. Both his Democratic and GOP rivals for the US Senate were taken out by well timed exposes involving abuse and sex scandals. Mysteriously, legally sealed divorce records were opened against the wishes of the clients that were than used to torpedo Obama's rival. Obama will at best give us a Euro-America and most likely turn America into an EU surrogate. The very same media that gives us ceaseless drivel of irrelevancy and daily doses of trauma, murders, rapes and perversion has given us Obama. No surprise really once we learn that George Soros is a major player behind the Obama ascendancy. Despite his alleged liberality, in part based on his extreme and impassioned defense of partial birth abortion, Obama is dedicated to the so-called drug war against the people and continued subsidization of the prison industrial complex.
John Sydney McCain: A 5+yr Prisoner of War. Potential Manchurian Candidate, torture victim with his finger on the nuclear button. Scary thought. Ever ready to continue draining America's resources in foreign wars and misadventures lasting up to one hundred years if necessary. Like Hillary and Obama, McCain is dedicated to the so-called drug war against the people and continued subsidization of the prison industrial complex.
Michael Dale Huckabee: Christian idealist that is allegedly for freedom yet supports the continued drain on our resources for foreign wars and international entanglements. Dedicated to the so-called drug war against the people and continued subsidization of the prison industrial complex.
Alan L. Keyes: Articulate and intelligent but his disastrous Senate campaign against Obama says it all. Dedicated to the so-called drug war against the people and continued subsidization of the prison industrial complex.
Ralph Nader: A passionate consumer advocate. However he has no track record of governance and is more suitable in a role of an advocate. He could make an excellent congressional representative. Nader's presidential campaigns have no doubt raised many legitimate issues. Refreshingly Nader is dedicated to ending the drug war and freeing America from the corporate stranglehold. Admittedly positive goals yet Nader appears to represent special interests of another sort rather than the Nation as a whole. He would, of course, be a good addition to any administration.
All of these above candidates excluding Ralph Nader represent the status quo which unfortunately means oppression, more wars against the American people and the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and beyond. These candidates guarantee many more prisoners for the prison industrial complex, continued waste of our precious resources on behalf of vested interest and corporations. Clinton, Obama, McCain all represent the final implementation of an entrenched parasitic entity that is in the guise of government equipped with a multifaceted security apparatus.
There is only one candidate that broadly reflects the values and ethos of the American people. That man is Ron Paul. Ron Paul's message is in reality the voice of America's subconscious. It is as if the average American's persona and modus operandi has been incarnated into the candidacy of Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the American Avatar. Ron Paul's common sense approach to matters global and local directly reflects the approach that we as Americans have in our every day lives. Ron Paul's live and let live policy is that very same live and let live policy practiced by millions of us every day. Ron Paul's trust and confidence in the integrity and dependability of the American people is the same that we have in each other. We know as a people that we can handle our concerns and issues equitably in a manner consistent with who we are as Americans. Ron Paul recognizes that as well. That is why Ron Paul works. That is why Ron Paul works for me. That is why Ron Paul works for America.