During an interview on a radio talk show, Mitt convinces the host to vote for Ron Paul.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
All Candidates Compared
A simple tabular format comparing all candidates with links to each issue.
Click picture to enlarge.
Click here for most recent version.
Click picture to enlarge.
Click here for most recent version.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Ron Paul 1st In Louisiana?
The Louisiana GOP has yet to finalize their caucus results. Ron Paul is in good position to be declared the winner in Louisiana.
Shedding Some Light on the Louisiana Caucuses?
Dee Ann Patterson
What is happening in Louisiana is a sad state of affairs that shows how desperately the electorate needs to get involved in their state political process. ...
Did Ron Paul Win The Louisiana Caucus?
Steve Watson
Libertarian commentators and Ron Paul supporters, as well as the campaign itself, are suggesting that the thorough botching of the election process during the Louisiana caucus last Tuesday may have robbed the Texas Congressman of his first victory in the race for the 2008 presidency.
The Ron Paul campaign issued a statement yesterday charging the Louisiana GOP with failure to properly determine voter eligibility, and calling on the LAGOP to count all the ballots submitted in the caucus:
“The failure of the Louisiana GOP to properly determine who was and wasn’t eligible to vote threw this entire process into disarray,” said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. “The party needs to correct this mistake by counting all the votes immediately, and releasing the results.” ...
Shedding Some Light on the Louisiana Caucuses?
Dee Ann Patterson
What is happening in Louisiana is a sad state of affairs that shows how desperately the electorate needs to get involved in their state political process. ...
Did Ron Paul Win The Louisiana Caucus?
Steve Watson
Libertarian commentators and Ron Paul supporters, as well as the campaign itself, are suggesting that the thorough botching of the election process during the Louisiana caucus last Tuesday may have robbed the Texas Congressman of his first victory in the race for the 2008 presidency.
The Ron Paul campaign issued a statement yesterday charging the Louisiana GOP with failure to properly determine voter eligibility, and calling on the LAGOP to count all the ballots submitted in the caucus:
“The failure of the Louisiana GOP to properly determine who was and wasn’t eligible to vote threw this entire process into disarray,” said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. “The party needs to correct this mistake by counting all the votes immediately, and releasing the results.” ...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Count All the Votes
Ron Paul Campaign to Louisiana GOP: Count All the Votes
Today, the Ron Paul presidential campaign calls on the Republican Party of Louisiana to count all the ballots submitted in the state's January 22 caucus.
"The failure of the Louisiana GOP to properly determine who was and wasn't eligible to vote threw this entire process into disarray," said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. "The party needs to correct this mistake by counting all the votes immediately, and releasing the results."
Due to mistakes by the Louisiana GOP, hundreds of voters were forced to file provisional ballots, including nearly 500 that could change the outcome of the election. According to party officials, caucus locations relied on a voter list from November 1, 2007 despite the fact that under caucus rules, voters must have registered Republican by November 30, 2007. The Louisiana Secretary of State reports that 2,709 Louisiana residents registered as Republican between November 1, 2007 and November 30, 2007.
Today, the Ron Paul presidential campaign calls on the Republican Party of Louisiana to count all the ballots submitted in the state's January 22 caucus.
"The failure of the Louisiana GOP to properly determine who was and wasn't eligible to vote threw this entire process into disarray," said Ron Paul campaign manager Lew Moore. "The party needs to correct this mistake by counting all the votes immediately, and releasing the results."
Due to mistakes by the Louisiana GOP, hundreds of voters were forced to file provisional ballots, including nearly 500 that could change the outcome of the election. According to party officials, caucus locations relied on a voter list from November 1, 2007 despite the fact that under caucus rules, voters must have registered Republican by November 30, 2007. The Louisiana Secretary of State reports that 2,709 Louisiana residents registered as Republican between November 1, 2007 and November 30, 2007.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monetary Policy and Federal Reserve (video)
Korelin Economics Report 2006 interview of Ron Paul discussing money, Federal Reserve, and similar topics.
Ron Paul predicts major economic event in the next five years that will cause a dollar panic.
Ron Paul predicts major economic event in the next five years that will cause a dollar panic.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Christians For Ron Paul
Christians for Ron Paul has a comparison of the candidates. The comparison shows that Ron Paul is the only candidate to oppose a national ID card.
Ron Paul Gaining - 2nd in Nevada
Let Me See If I Get This Right
Fox News cut this part from their rebroadcast of the South Carolina GOP candidate forum.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Shockingly Consistent
While candidates like Mitt Romney have been vilified for changing their values whenever it's politically expedient, Paul has been shockingly consistent. He has never voted to raise taxes, nor has he voted for an unbalanced budget.
It's also important to note that Ron Paul is the only major candidate from either party who voted against authorizing the use of force in Iraq.
When a CBS News poll says half of the nation wants most U.S. troops out of Iraq this year, it's surprising more is not made of this.
While candidates like Mitt Romney have been vilified for changing their values whenever it's politically expedient, Paul has been shockingly consistent. He has never voted to raise taxes, nor has he voted for an unbalanced budget.
It's also important to note that Ron Paul is the only major candidate from either party who voted against authorizing the use of force in Iraq.
When a CBS News poll says half of the nation wants most U.S. troops out of Iraq this year, it's surprising more is not made of this.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Questions That Won't Be Asked About Iraq
Congressman Ron Paul
U.S. House of Representatives
September 10, 2002
Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with Iraq. I am concerned there are some questions that won’t be asked- and maybe will not even be allowed to be asked. Here are some questions I would like answered by those who are urging us to start this war.
1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because we knew they could retaliate?
2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq now because we know it cannot retaliate- which just confirms that there is no real threat?
3. Is it not true that those who argue that even with inspections we cannot be sure that Hussein might be hiding weapons, at the same time imply that we can be more sure that weapons exist in the absence of inspections?
4. Is it not true that the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency was able to complete its yearly verification mission to Iraq just this year with Iraqi cooperation?
5. Is it not true that the intelligence community has been unable to develop a case tying Iraq to global terrorism at all, much less the attacks on the United States last year? Does anyone remember that 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and that none came from Iraq?
29. What is the moral argument for attacking a nation that has not initiated aggression against us, and could not if it wanted?
30. Where does the Constitution grant us permission to wage war for any reason other than self-defense?
U.S. House of Representatives
September 10, 2002
Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with Iraq. I am concerned there are some questions that won’t be asked- and maybe will not even be allowed to be asked. Here are some questions I would like answered by those who are urging us to start this war.
1. Is it not true that the reason we did not bomb the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War was because we knew they could retaliate?
2. Is it not also true that we are willing to bomb Iraq now because we know it cannot retaliate- which just confirms that there is no real threat?
3. Is it not true that those who argue that even with inspections we cannot be sure that Hussein might be hiding weapons, at the same time imply that we can be more sure that weapons exist in the absence of inspections?
4. Is it not true that the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency was able to complete its yearly verification mission to Iraq just this year with Iraqi cooperation?
5. Is it not true that the intelligence community has been unable to develop a case tying Iraq to global terrorism at all, much less the attacks on the United States last year? Does anyone remember that 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and that none came from Iraq?
29. What is the moral argument for attacking a nation that has not initiated aggression against us, and could not if it wanted?
30. Where does the Constitution grant us permission to wage war for any reason other than self-defense?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Threat To The Establishment
NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist
Linder says Paul being smeared because he is a threat to the establishment
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder, who has known Ron Paul for 20 years, unequivocally dismissed charges that the Congressman was a racist in light of recent smear attempts, and said the reason for him being attacked was that he was a threat to the establishment.
Linder joined Alex Jones for two segments on his KLBJ Sunday show this evening, during which he commented on the controversy created by media hit pieces that attempted to tarnish Paul as a racist by making him culpable for decades old newsletter articles written by other people.
"Knowing Ron Paul's intent, I think he is trying to improve this country but I think also, when you talk about the Constitution and you constantly criticize the federal government versus state I think a lot of folks are going to misconstrue that....so I think it's very easy for folks who want to to take his position out of context and that's what I'm hearing," said Linder.
"Knowing Ron Paul and having talked to him, I think he's a very fair guy I just think that a lot of folks do not understand the Libertarian platform," he added.
Asked directly if Ron Paul was a racist, Linder responded "No I don't," adding that he had heard Ron Paul speak out about police repression of black communities and mandatory minimum sentences on many occasions.
Time for a Korean Divorce
South Korea's leader suggests after fifty years it is time for the USA to leave South Korea so there can peace between north and south. At fifty years in South Korea, the USA has become the force that is preventing peace.
January 6, 2003, 9:00 a.m.
Time for a Korean Divorce
No time like the present.
By Doug Bandow
The U.S. has defended South Korea for 50 years. But newly elected President Roh Moo-hyun suggests that his nation might "mediate" in any war between America and the North. Whatever value the U.S.-ROK alliance once had has disappeared.
January 6, 2003, 9:00 a.m.
Time for a Korean Divorce
No time like the present.
By Doug Bandow
The U.S. has defended South Korea for 50 years. But newly elected President Roh Moo-hyun suggests that his nation might "mediate" in any war between America and the North. Whatever value the U.S.-ROK alliance once had has disappeared.
Federal Reserve Says Gov't Benefits From Inflation
This sentence is in the conclusion section of the paper.
One of the primary benefits of inflation is the revenue it produces for the government.
This sentence is in the conclusion section of the paper.
One of the primary benefits of inflation is the revenue it produces for the government.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
NH Vote Tally Mistakes
The following discrepancies lead some experienced people to suggest recounts are needed.
New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted
Sutton township reported Congressman had zero votes, actual number was 31
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The head clerk of the New Hampshire town of Sutton has been forced to admit that Ron Paul received 31 votes yet when the final amount was transferred to a summary sheet and sent out to the media, the total was listed as zero. The fiasco throws the entire primary into doubt and could lead to a re-count.
As we reported earlier today, an entire family voted for Ron Paul in Sutton, yet when the voting map on the Politico website was posted, the total votes for Ron Paul were zero.
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris contacted the head clerk in Sutton, Jennifer Call, who was forced to admit that the 31 votes Ron Paul received were completely omitted from the final report sheet, claiming "human error" was responsible for the mistake.
By: Devvy
January 10, 2008
Iowa was a dismal affair with Dr. Paul allegedly coming in fifth place with 10%. As I wrote in my last column, in several counties in Iowa, Dr. Paul pulled in 35%, 14%, 15%, 21% and several with 12% of the vote. Of course, that didn't make the "news" on any cable or "mainstream" network. I didn't believe the final count because I know better. The machines are in control and the powerful elites who rule our lives intend to install their new puppet in the White House regardless of what we the people want.
New Hampshire District Admits Ron Paul Votes Not Counted
Sutton township reported Congressman had zero votes, actual number was 31
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The head clerk of the New Hampshire town of Sutton has been forced to admit that Ron Paul received 31 votes yet when the final amount was transferred to a summary sheet and sent out to the media, the total was listed as zero. The fiasco throws the entire primary into doubt and could lead to a re-count.
As we reported earlier today, an entire family voted for Ron Paul in Sutton, yet when the voting map on the Politico website was posted, the total votes for Ron Paul were zero.
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris contacted the head clerk in Sutton, Jennifer Call, who was forced to admit that the 31 votes Ron Paul received were completely omitted from the final report sheet, claiming "human error" was responsible for the mistake.
By: Devvy
January 10, 2008
Iowa was a dismal affair with Dr. Paul allegedly coming in fifth place with 10%. As I wrote in my last column, in several counties in Iowa, Dr. Paul pulled in 35%, 14%, 15%, 21% and several with 12% of the vote. Of course, that didn't make the "news" on any cable or "mainstream" network. I didn't believe the final count because I know better. The machines are in control and the powerful elites who rule our lives intend to install their new puppet in the White House regardless of what we the people want.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ron Paul's Christian Devotion
A Christian speaks about to explain why the forces of darkness align to attack Ron Paul.
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
January 8, 2008
What is it about Ron Paul that the Establishment finds so disturbing? This is a man who perhaps personifies Christian character and integrity, American patriotism, and family values more than any other public figure.
Furthermore, Ron Paul's devotion to Christ is very personal and deep. Unlike many politicians (especially in the Republican Party), Ron Paul does not wear his religion on his sleeve. He doesn't need to. Anyone who knows him knows his faith is exhibited on a daily basis. His life and family are testaments to his Christian faith.
No wonder Ron Paul was declared to be the "Taxpayer's Best Friend."
Now, how in the name of common sense can a man such as Ron Paul be hated? Maybe it is because he is a man of integrity and honesty. Remember, our Lord said that men who love darkness hate the light. And if there is a word that describes the Establishment in America today, it is DARKNESS.
Name it: the establishment Democrat and Republican Parties, the establishment media, the establishment financial institutions, and even the establishment churches all seem to be run by people who exude the power of darkness. It should not surprise us, therefore, when a man arises who personifies the light of integrity and honesty, that the powers that be should hate him--and hate Ron Paul they do.
The Establishment hates Ron Paul because his honesty and integrity expose the rest of them for the moral reprobates they are. Their own conscience cannot bear the sight of him. His very presence condemns them. Their personal greed and ambition cringe at the very thought of Ron Paul.
Furthermore, Ron Paul is not interested in creating a world empire. Neither is he a warmonger. He would squash the burgeoning New World Order in its tracks--and the globalists ensconced in Washington and New York City know it.
By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
January 8, 2008
What is it about Ron Paul that the Establishment finds so disturbing? This is a man who perhaps personifies Christian character and integrity, American patriotism, and family values more than any other public figure.
Furthermore, Ron Paul's devotion to Christ is very personal and deep. Unlike many politicians (especially in the Republican Party), Ron Paul does not wear his religion on his sleeve. He doesn't need to. Anyone who knows him knows his faith is exhibited on a daily basis. His life and family are testaments to his Christian faith.
No wonder Ron Paul was declared to be the "Taxpayer's Best Friend."
Now, how in the name of common sense can a man such as Ron Paul be hated? Maybe it is because he is a man of integrity and honesty. Remember, our Lord said that men who love darkness hate the light. And if there is a word that describes the Establishment in America today, it is DARKNESS.
Name it: the establishment Democrat and Republican Parties, the establishment media, the establishment financial institutions, and even the establishment churches all seem to be run by people who exude the power of darkness. It should not surprise us, therefore, when a man arises who personifies the light of integrity and honesty, that the powers that be should hate him--and hate Ron Paul they do.
The Establishment hates Ron Paul because his honesty and integrity expose the rest of them for the moral reprobates they are. Their own conscience cannot bear the sight of him. His very presence condemns them. Their personal greed and ambition cringe at the very thought of Ron Paul.
Furthermore, Ron Paul is not interested in creating a world empire. Neither is he a warmonger. He would squash the burgeoning New World Order in its tracks--and the globalists ensconced in Washington and New York City know it.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Fox News and Wall Street Journal
Fox News excluded Ron Paul from their forum on Sunday, from which the New Hampshire GOP withdrew their support. Fox News and the Wall Street Journal have the same owner. I just sent the following to the Wall Street Journal.
I understand that Fox News and WSJ have the same owner. I was disappointed Fox News refused to allow Ron Paul to the forum in New Hampshire on Sunday.
A couple weeks ago, front page, was an article on a different congress person you named "Dr. No". I found this confusing and strange timing. It appears you are trying to confuse your readers about Ron Paul.
I will subscribe to media that reports the news, and I will not renew my WSJ subscription. Until my subscription expires, I have changed to postal delivery to make delivery more expensive for you.
Good luck on your efforts to spin the news.
I understand that Fox News and WSJ have the same owner. I was disappointed Fox News refused to allow Ron Paul to the forum in New Hampshire on Sunday.
A couple weeks ago, front page, was an article on a different congress person you named "Dr. No". I found this confusing and strange timing. It appears you are trying to confuse your readers about Ron Paul.
I will subscribe to media that reports the news, and I will not renew my WSJ subscription. Until my subscription expires, I have changed to postal delivery to make delivery more expensive for you.
Good luck on your efforts to spin the news.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Ron Paul Revolution Spreads To Canada
by Martin Masse
However many votes Paul ultimately gets, we shouldn't wait for a U.S. politician to force those reforms on us, especially one who wants to do away with Yankee imperialism. Freedom is a universal, not an American value. Free markets work everywhere. Why not get rid of all this government deadweight of our own volition, and for our own good?
by Martin Masse
However many votes Paul ultimately gets, we shouldn't wait for a U.S. politician to force those reforms on us, especially one who wants to do away with Yankee imperialism. Freedom is a universal, not an American value. Free markets work everywhere. Why not get rid of all this government deadweight of our own volition, and for our own good?
Federal Reserve Admits Causing Great Depression
The more I read Ron Paul's articles and books, the more I learn about what really happened in American history.
It was some years ago that I heard Ron Paul interviewed on a financial radio talk say the Federal Reserve is a secretive, private secret banking cartel. I had been taught, in publicly funded schools, the Federal Reserve was part of the government. Ron Paul presented the real truth of the Federal Reserve, and the research I have done shows (again) that Ron Paul is correct.
I began researching the role of the Federal Reserve in the Great Depression, and was surprised to learn that Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve chief) admits the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression. Here are some quotes with links. The final quote is linked directly to the Fed's web site.
Bernanke relates several key actions by the Federal Reserve:
* The Fed began raising the Fed Funds rate in the spring of 1928, and kept raising them through a recession that began in August 1929. This led to the stock market crash in October 1929.
* When the stock market crashed, investors turned to the currency markets. At that time, dollars were backed by gold held by the U.S. Government. Speculators began selling dollars for gold in September 1931, which caused a run on the dollar.
* The Fed raised interest rates again to try and preserve the value of the dollar. This further restricted the availability of money for businesses, causing more bankruptcies.
* The Fed did not increase the supply of money to combat deflation.
* As investors withdrew all their dollars from banks, the banks failed, causing more panic. The Fed ignored the banks' plight, thus destroying any remaining consumers’ confidence in banks. Most people withdrew their cash and put it under the mattress, which further decreased the money supply.
Bottom line...thanks to the Fed, there was just not enough money in circulation to get the economy going again. Instead of pumping money into the economy, and increasing the money supply, the Fed allowed the money supply to fall 30%.
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
At the The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy in the Twenty-first Century Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia
June 15, 2007
The Financial Accelerator and the Credit Channel
In the interest of time I will confine the remainder of my remarks to the bank-lending channel. The theory of the bank-lending channel holds that monetary policy works in part by affecting the supply of loans offered by depository institutions. This concept is a cousin of the idea I proposed in my paper on the Great Depression, that the failures of banks during the 1930s destroyed "information capital" and thus reduced the effective supply of credit to borrowers. Alan Blinder and I adapted this general idea to show how, by affecting banks' loanable funds, monetary policy could influence the supply of intermediated credit (Bernanke and Blinder, 1988).
In a footnote to his speech, Bernanke noted that "people know that inflation erodes the real value of the government's debt and, therefore, that it is in the interest of the government to create some inflation."[10]
Presidential Candidate and Congressman Ron Paul, a member of the House Banking Committee, has criticized Bernanke for inflating the money supply and essentially taxing middle class savings by "printing" more money.[12]
Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke At the Conference to Honor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
November 8, 2002
On Milton Friedman's Ninetieth Birthday
Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
It was some years ago that I heard Ron Paul interviewed on a financial radio talk say the Federal Reserve is a secretive, private secret banking cartel. I had been taught, in publicly funded schools, the Federal Reserve was part of the government. Ron Paul presented the real truth of the Federal Reserve, and the research I have done shows (again) that Ron Paul is correct.
I began researching the role of the Federal Reserve in the Great Depression, and was surprised to learn that Ben Bernanke (Federal Reserve chief) admits the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression. Here are some quotes with links. The final quote is linked directly to the Fed's web site.
Bernanke relates several key actions by the Federal Reserve:
* The Fed began raising the Fed Funds rate in the spring of 1928, and kept raising them through a recession that began in August 1929. This led to the stock market crash in October 1929.
* When the stock market crashed, investors turned to the currency markets. At that time, dollars were backed by gold held by the U.S. Government. Speculators began selling dollars for gold in September 1931, which caused a run on the dollar.
* The Fed raised interest rates again to try and preserve the value of the dollar. This further restricted the availability of money for businesses, causing more bankruptcies.
* The Fed did not increase the supply of money to combat deflation.
* As investors withdrew all their dollars from banks, the banks failed, causing more panic. The Fed ignored the banks' plight, thus destroying any remaining consumers’ confidence in banks. Most people withdrew their cash and put it under the mattress, which further decreased the money supply.
Bottom line...thanks to the Fed, there was just not enough money in circulation to get the economy going again. Instead of pumping money into the economy, and increasing the money supply, the Fed allowed the money supply to fall 30%.
Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
At the The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy in the Twenty-first Century Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia
June 15, 2007
The Financial Accelerator and the Credit Channel
In the interest of time I will confine the remainder of my remarks to the bank-lending channel. The theory of the bank-lending channel holds that monetary policy works in part by affecting the supply of loans offered by depository institutions. This concept is a cousin of the idea I proposed in my paper on the Great Depression, that the failures of banks during the 1930s destroyed "information capital" and thus reduced the effective supply of credit to borrowers. Alan Blinder and I adapted this general idea to show how, by affecting banks' loanable funds, monetary policy could influence the supply of intermediated credit (Bernanke and Blinder, 1988).
In a footnote to his speech, Bernanke noted that "people know that inflation erodes the real value of the government's debt and, therefore, that it is in the interest of the government to create some inflation."[10]
Presidential Candidate and Congressman Ron Paul, a member of the House Banking Committee, has criticized Bernanke for inflating the money supply and essentially taxing middle class savings by "printing" more money.[12]
Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke At the Conference to Honor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
November 8, 2002
On Milton Friedman's Ninetieth Birthday
Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.
Confessions of "Dr. No's" Dr. No
This is reproduced from one of Gary North's newsletters. Mr. North, I have enjoyed your newsletters. Please leave a comment if you would like this post to be removed or modified.
To subscribe to this letter:
Issue 715 January 1, 2008
The media call Congressman Ron Paul "Dr. No," because he is a physician who votes "no" on most spending bills. "Dr. No" is still remembered fondly as the first James Bond movie (1962). If you search Google for "Dr. No," you get three articles on the
movie. The fourth is a "Washington Post" article on Dr. Paul, published a year before he launched his presidential bid.
I was the original Dr. No. (The abbreviation for "north" is "No.")
In June, 1976, I was hired as the research assistant for the newly elected Congressman Paul of Texas. He had been in office for about two months, the member of Congress with the least seniority. He had been elected in a mid-term election after the district's congressman resigned to take a bureaucratic post.
On my first day on the job, a Friday, I was given a unique assignment. The House Banking Committee had been debating the re-financing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The committee was about to publish its final report. Naturally, the
committee was strongly in favor of putting more taxpayers' money into the relic of the Bretton Woods monetary conference of 1944. Congressman Paul was the only member of the committee who was opposed to the bill.
The committee would publish its report the following week. He was told that he had until Tuesday to prepare a minority report. He was tipped off by a committee staffer that the Tuesday deadline was a fake. The deadline was really Monday. The committee wanted no minority report, and so the chairman told Dr. Paul that the deadline was Tuesday.
It was my task to write the minority report on Saturday, so that he could hand it in on Monday. Dutifully, I came into the office on Saturday and wrote the report. As I recall, it was about 10 pages, double spaced.
I can still remember my main points. First, the official advent of floating exchange rates in late 1973 had made the IMF superfluous. It no longer had to issue SDRs (special drawing rights -- "paper gold") to nations that were caught in a temporary foreign exchange crisis: outflow of foreign currency reserves at the legally fixed exchange rate. Rates were no longer fixed by an international agreement. The free market would continue to settle the matter of the value of every currency, as it had ever since August 15, 1971, when Nixon closed the gold window and floated the dollar "temporarily." Second, it is not a legitimate function of civil government to lend funds to central banks.
As Dr. Paul had been warned, the deadline was Monday. He met the deadline. The full report, with his minority report, was published that week. This minority report so completely amazed the bipartisan Establishment that Dr. Paul was invited to testify to the Senate Banking Committee on his reasons for opposing the funding. I had never heard of this before: a freshman Congressman invited to share his views with a Senate committee. I have not heard of it since.
The Ford Administration was outraged at his report. The plan was being hawked by Treasury Secretary William Simon as being vital to the nation's interests. He was an Insider, a true "team player" for the Establishment. I recall attending a session where Simon came before House Republicans to promote the IMF bill. I have not forgotten his response to one critic: "I do not share your theology of gold." He became famous -- after he had left office -- as a conservative. He signed his name to a book -- a very good book -- ghost written by the magnificent Edith Efron, "A Time for Truth." He followed this with an even more blatantly titled book, "A Time for Action." The time for truth and action is when you're in office, not after. He went on to make tens of millions of dollars as a merchant banker with connections.
Simon had no use for "the theology of gold," as he called it. This is an outlook which rests on a confession of faith: "Relying on full gold coin convertibility is safer than relying on central banks." This is not a theology of gold. It is far more comprehensive than a mere theology of gold. It is a theology that denies the central premise of all statism: salvation by law -- specifically, civil law.
Ron Paul understands this theology and votes in terms of it. William Simon denied it, and was rewarded handsomely for his services.
It was my job to publish a weekly newsletter. Newsletters are major re-election tools for Congress. They are sent out postage-free: the franking privilege. You will see "not printed at government expense" on them. It's true, but printing costs are minimal compared to postage costs.
I wrote two newsletters, one every other week. As with all journalists, I wrote it on Friday, to be mailed out over the weekend. Nobody writes a day in advance.
I knew what Dr. Paul wanted, and he trusted my judgment. He did not edit what I had written.
I had one column, published every other week, called "Where Your Money Goes, and Goes, and Goes...." It was a version of Senator Proxmire's "Golden Fleece Award." Those awards got a lot of free publicity in the media.
I found that the best source of incomparable boondoggles was the National Science Foundation. It still is (www.nsf.gov). So, I had the NSF send over its daily list of the latest funding projects. Each list always had two or three gems.
I noticed that after the letter went out, our office would receive letters. Time after time, the letters said this:
While I usually agree with your views, I think the decision of the NSF to fund [specific boondoggle] was a good one. The nation needs more information about [boondoggle].
By the way, I work for [Boondoggle].
Joe Blow, Ph.D.
That was my first introduction to the reality of boondoggles. No matter how favorable to limited-government ideas, those on the payrolls of beneficiaries of government funds are not in favor of rolling back government in their niche. They want even more money from the government.
Here is a fundamental insight of free market economics:
Government grows because those few pressure groups that benefit from any government-funded program are highly focused on the maintenance of this funding, while the general public, being unfocused, pays no attention to any given expenditure. There is specific pressure to spend more but little pressure to cut back.
This has not changed since 1976, except for the worst. The number of boondoggles keeps rising, as does the size of the funding.
It was the policy of Federal agencies to send out press releases regarding any infusion of Federal money into a Congressman's district. This was free PR for the Congressman. So, it bought a lot of votes for the agencies. Dr. Paul had a policy of sending out a press release telling the media that he had voted against the program, and why. Over time, some of the agencies ceased sending out these press releases into his district.
434 TO 1
It became clear in the summer of 1976 that Dr. Paul was willing to vote "no" all by himself. There were several votes in which his vote was the only "no" vote.
There were a few other Republicans who would join him from time to time. On military boondoggles, most notoriously the B-1 bomber, he was joined by a few liberal Democrats.
It was common for Congressman to decide what to vote by looking at the early votes on the screen. If John Ashbrook voted "no," and if Texan Jim Collins joined him, most Congressmen knew they could safely vote "yes," and vice versa. If Paul also voted "no," they could be sure a "yes" was called for. Only if Ashbrook and Paul were divided would the Congressman have to check to see which way his staff had told him to vote.
The members learned over time that Paul would vote against any bill for which there was no Constitutional authorization. The common view of his peers was this: "Let the Supreme Court decide whether a law in Constitutional." There was a widespread delegation of Constitutional responsibility on the part of Congress. A vote of 5 to 4 by the Court was assumed to be the standard, not 218 to 217 in the House, 51 to 50 in the Senate, plus the signature of a President.
On the whole, Dr. Paul has been well respected by his peers. He is not a political threat to them. He is not going to get enough votes to upset the 75-year-old system of tax and tax, borrow and borrow, spend and spend. He votes his conscience. He is predictable. He doesn't care if he isn't re-elected. These days, he is always re-elected.
That was not true in November, 1976. Out of over 180,000 votes cast, he lost by 268. He knew that voters had come over from Barbara Jordan's district to vote in his. His protests were of no avail. He left Washington in 1977. So did I. He returned in 1979. I did not.
My brief stay on Capitol Hill confirmed my beliefs held prior to my arrival. These included the following:
1. Most voters want government-funded freebies.
2. Voters expect other voters to pay.
3. The long run is the next election.
4. Government expands unless its budget is cut.
5. Voters do not want to cut budgets.
6. The bureaucracy is close to autonomous.
7. Elected representatives are soon co-opted by the bureaucracies.
8. Money, sex, and power do corrupt.
9. Good-looking single women like to work on Capitol Hill.
Here is my conclusion: "The system will not change until Washington's checks no longer buy much of value." Given the fact that the Bank of England has survived since 1694, I am not optimistic about positive change inside the Beltway.
The Daily Reckoning is a free, daily e-mail service brought to you by the authors of the NY Times Business Bestseller "Financial Reckoning Day", "Demise Of Dollar", and "Empire Of Debt".
To learn more or subscribe, see: http://www.dailyreckoning.com
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Issue 715 January 1, 2008
The media call Congressman Ron Paul "Dr. No," because he is a physician who votes "no" on most spending bills. "Dr. No" is still remembered fondly as the first James Bond movie (1962). If you search Google for "Dr. No," you get three articles on the
movie. The fourth is a "Washington Post" article on Dr. Paul, published a year before he launched his presidential bid.
I was the original Dr. No. (The abbreviation for "north" is "No.")
In June, 1976, I was hired as the research assistant for the newly elected Congressman Paul of Texas. He had been in office for about two months, the member of Congress with the least seniority. He had been elected in a mid-term election after the district's congressman resigned to take a bureaucratic post.
On my first day on the job, a Friday, I was given a unique assignment. The House Banking Committee had been debating the re-financing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The committee was about to publish its final report. Naturally, the
committee was strongly in favor of putting more taxpayers' money into the relic of the Bretton Woods monetary conference of 1944. Congressman Paul was the only member of the committee who was opposed to the bill.
The committee would publish its report the following week. He was told that he had until Tuesday to prepare a minority report. He was tipped off by a committee staffer that the Tuesday deadline was a fake. The deadline was really Monday. The committee wanted no minority report, and so the chairman told Dr. Paul that the deadline was Tuesday.
It was my task to write the minority report on Saturday, so that he could hand it in on Monday. Dutifully, I came into the office on Saturday and wrote the report. As I recall, it was about 10 pages, double spaced.
I can still remember my main points. First, the official advent of floating exchange rates in late 1973 had made the IMF superfluous. It no longer had to issue SDRs (special drawing rights -- "paper gold") to nations that were caught in a temporary foreign exchange crisis: outflow of foreign currency reserves at the legally fixed exchange rate. Rates were no longer fixed by an international agreement. The free market would continue to settle the matter of the value of every currency, as it had ever since August 15, 1971, when Nixon closed the gold window and floated the dollar "temporarily." Second, it is not a legitimate function of civil government to lend funds to central banks.
As Dr. Paul had been warned, the deadline was Monday. He met the deadline. The full report, with his minority report, was published that week. This minority report so completely amazed the bipartisan Establishment that Dr. Paul was invited to testify to the Senate Banking Committee on his reasons for opposing the funding. I had never heard of this before: a freshman Congressman invited to share his views with a Senate committee. I have not heard of it since.
The Ford Administration was outraged at his report. The plan was being hawked by Treasury Secretary William Simon as being vital to the nation's interests. He was an Insider, a true "team player" for the Establishment. I recall attending a session where Simon came before House Republicans to promote the IMF bill. I have not forgotten his response to one critic: "I do not share your theology of gold." He became famous -- after he had left office -- as a conservative. He signed his name to a book -- a very good book -- ghost written by the magnificent Edith Efron, "A Time for Truth." He followed this with an even more blatantly titled book, "A Time for Action." The time for truth and action is when you're in office, not after. He went on to make tens of millions of dollars as a merchant banker with connections.
Simon had no use for "the theology of gold," as he called it. This is an outlook which rests on a confession of faith: "Relying on full gold coin convertibility is safer than relying on central banks." This is not a theology of gold. It is far more comprehensive than a mere theology of gold. It is a theology that denies the central premise of all statism: salvation by law -- specifically, civil law.
Ron Paul understands this theology and votes in terms of it. William Simon denied it, and was rewarded handsomely for his services.
It was my job to publish a weekly newsletter. Newsletters are major re-election tools for Congress. They are sent out postage-free: the franking privilege. You will see "not printed at government expense" on them. It's true, but printing costs are minimal compared to postage costs.
I wrote two newsletters, one every other week. As with all journalists, I wrote it on Friday, to be mailed out over the weekend. Nobody writes a day in advance.
I knew what Dr. Paul wanted, and he trusted my judgment. He did not edit what I had written.
I had one column, published every other week, called "Where Your Money Goes, and Goes, and Goes...." It was a version of Senator Proxmire's "Golden Fleece Award." Those awards got a lot of free publicity in the media.
I found that the best source of incomparable boondoggles was the National Science Foundation. It still is (www.nsf.gov). So, I had the NSF send over its daily list of the latest funding projects. Each list always had two or three gems.
I noticed that after the letter went out, our office would receive letters. Time after time, the letters said this:
While I usually agree with your views, I think the decision of the NSF to fund [specific boondoggle] was a good one. The nation needs more information about [boondoggle].
By the way, I work for [Boondoggle].
Joe Blow, Ph.D.
That was my first introduction to the reality of boondoggles. No matter how favorable to limited-government ideas, those on the payrolls of beneficiaries of government funds are not in favor of rolling back government in their niche. They want even more money from the government.
Here is a fundamental insight of free market economics:
Government grows because those few pressure groups that benefit from any government-funded program are highly focused on the maintenance of this funding, while the general public, being unfocused, pays no attention to any given expenditure. There is specific pressure to spend more but little pressure to cut back.
This has not changed since 1976, except for the worst. The number of boondoggles keeps rising, as does the size of the funding.
It was the policy of Federal agencies to send out press releases regarding any infusion of Federal money into a Congressman's district. This was free PR for the Congressman. So, it bought a lot of votes for the agencies. Dr. Paul had a policy of sending out a press release telling the media that he had voted against the program, and why. Over time, some of the agencies ceased sending out these press releases into his district.
434 TO 1
It became clear in the summer of 1976 that Dr. Paul was willing to vote "no" all by himself. There were several votes in which his vote was the only "no" vote.
There were a few other Republicans who would join him from time to time. On military boondoggles, most notoriously the B-1 bomber, he was joined by a few liberal Democrats.
It was common for Congressman to decide what to vote by looking at the early votes on the screen. If John Ashbrook voted "no," and if Texan Jim Collins joined him, most Congressmen knew they could safely vote "yes," and vice versa. If Paul also voted "no," they could be sure a "yes" was called for. Only if Ashbrook and Paul were divided would the Congressman have to check to see which way his staff had told him to vote.
The members learned over time that Paul would vote against any bill for which there was no Constitutional authorization. The common view of his peers was this: "Let the Supreme Court decide whether a law in Constitutional." There was a widespread delegation of Constitutional responsibility on the part of Congress. A vote of 5 to 4 by the Court was assumed to be the standard, not 218 to 217 in the House, 51 to 50 in the Senate, plus the signature of a President.
On the whole, Dr. Paul has been well respected by his peers. He is not a political threat to them. He is not going to get enough votes to upset the 75-year-old system of tax and tax, borrow and borrow, spend and spend. He votes his conscience. He is predictable. He doesn't care if he isn't re-elected. These days, he is always re-elected.
That was not true in November, 1976. Out of over 180,000 votes cast, he lost by 268. He knew that voters had come over from Barbara Jordan's district to vote in his. His protests were of no avail. He left Washington in 1977. So did I. He returned in 1979. I did not.
My brief stay on Capitol Hill confirmed my beliefs held prior to my arrival. These included the following:
1. Most voters want government-funded freebies.
2. Voters expect other voters to pay.
3. The long run is the next election.
4. Government expands unless its budget is cut.
5. Voters do not want to cut budgets.
6. The bureaucracy is close to autonomous.
7. Elected representatives are soon co-opted by the bureaucracies.
8. Money, sex, and power do corrupt.
9. Good-looking single women like to work on Capitol Hill.
Here is my conclusion: "The system will not change until Washington's checks no longer buy much of value." Given the fact that the Bank of England has survived since 1694, I am not optimistic about positive change inside the Beltway.
The Daily Reckoning is a free, daily e-mail service brought to you by the authors of the NY Times Business Bestseller "Financial Reckoning Day", "Demise Of Dollar", and "Empire Of Debt".
To learn more or subscribe, see: http://www.dailyreckoning.com
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
Bill Moyers talks with Ron Paul
Bill Moyers talks with Ron Paul interview.
Good discussion, including regulation of media, the path to fascism, religion, social security, freedom, 900 American military deaths in Iraq in 2007, currency and finances, trade with Cuba.
Good discussion, including regulation of media, the path to fascism, religion, social security, freedom, 900 American military deaths in Iraq in 2007, currency and finances, trade with Cuba.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Grassroots Support
Reason Magazine
Scenes from the Ron Paul Revolution
The rise of an eclectic anti-statist movement
Brian Doherty | February 2008 Print Edition
At a press conference after the Ames talk, a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporter asks the candidate about all the Paul signs he sees around Pittsburgh. “You guys must have a big operation there,” he says.
“If we do,” Paul says with a small smile, “we don’t know about it.”
Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold a caucus and a primary respectively in January, are the early-voting states where the campaign is concentrating most of its unexpected largess and where the unaffiliated revolutionaries are concentrating their energy. But more New Hampshire than Iowa. Iowans are perhaps too staid for the revolution.
Reason Magazine article author Gillespie speaking with Fox News about Ron Paul.
Scenes from the Ron Paul Revolution
The rise of an eclectic anti-statist movement
Brian Doherty | February 2008 Print Edition
At a press conference after the Ames talk, a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reporter asks the candidate about all the Paul signs he sees around Pittsburgh. “You guys must have a big operation there,” he says.
“If we do,” Paul says with a small smile, “we don’t know about it.”
Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold a caucus and a primary respectively in January, are the early-voting states where the campaign is concentrating most of its unexpected largess and where the unaffiliated revolutionaries are concentrating their energy. But more New Hampshire than Iowa. Iowans are perhaps too staid for the revolution.
Reason Magazine article author Gillespie speaking with Fox News about Ron Paul.
ZDNet Technology Voters' Guide Questions & Answers
Republican Ron Paul thinks that a free market is the key to broadband expansion and that the feds should stay out of mergers and social-networking sites.
U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty
U.N.'s Law of the Sea Treaty, International Criminal Court
The Secret of Ron Paul’s Success
By Cliff Kincaid Thursday, January 3, 2008
While the ICC looms as a major issue, conservative activists have been currently trying to defeat the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty, which is now pending in the U.S. Senate. They found that Ron Paul had come out against it many years ago. He was way ahead of his time in confronting the dangers posed by international arrangements, treaties and institutions that sap U.S. sovereignty.
He introduced a bill to get us out of the U.N., which not only would have saved some of our sovereignty but billions of American tax dollars that ended up in the coffers of corrupt bureaucrats.
Paul also denounces the U.N. for promoting a global tax on America, saying, “…if we are going to stop ongoing attempts of this world government body to tax us, we will need leadership from the White House.” Such a tax was proposed at the recent U.N. climate change conference, where the Bush Administration promised to help draft a new global warming treaty tougher and potentially more damaging to our economy than the first one that it rejected.
A fascinating article has just appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on where the candidates stand on the U.N.’s International Criminal Court. In looking at Democrats and Republicans, it notes, “At one end of the spectrum is Mike Gravel, a former senator from Alaska and one of the Democrats who backs U.S. membership in the court. In a recent San Francisco appearance, he said he considers himself a ‘globalist’ and ‘a citizen of the human race, first and foremost. Only secondly do I consider myself an American.’ At the other end is Ron Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas, who said in 2002 that both the court and the United Nations ‘are inherently incompatible with national sovereignty. America must either remain a constitutional republic or submit to international law because it cannot do both.’”
“Unlike the rest of the Republican field,” reporter Bob Egelko said, “Sen. John McCain has said he would like to see the United States join the international court, although he would first require more protections for U.S. personnel.” The ICC would strip Americans of Bill of Rights protections if they were apprehended and put on trial for alleged international crimes. The article did not explain how McCain would change the institution, which is now in existence, in order to require those protections. Most of the rest of the world, led by the European Union, rejected any safeguards for U.S. citizens.
One of the most critical constitutional protections rejected by the ICC is trial by jury. Foreign judges preside over ICC cases. So it really cannot be “fixed” to accommodate American concerns.
The fact of McCain’s support for the anti-American ICC could prove fatal to his campaign, if it is widely publicized. It has gotten very little attention until now. However, I discovered a press release from the Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) back in January of 2005 hailing McCain for his support of the ICC. While McCain was quoted as saying about the ICC, “I’m not satisfied that there are enough safeguards” for U.S. citizens, the CGS said that “his declaration at the World Economic Forum was the strongest indication to date that he would be in favor of the United States joining the ICC in the near future.”
One can understand why McCain wouldn’t want these comments publicized, as he seems to be gathering momentum in the presidential race, and why he wouldn’t want the CGS “endorsement” of his views given any publicity. The CGS is the new name of the World Federalist Association, a group that openly favors world government financed by global taxes. Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton endorsed the group’s activities when she was First Lady.
The Secret of Ron Paul’s Success
By Cliff Kincaid Thursday, January 3, 2008
While the ICC looms as a major issue, conservative activists have been currently trying to defeat the U.N.’s Law of the Sea Treaty, which is now pending in the U.S. Senate. They found that Ron Paul had come out against it many years ago. He was way ahead of his time in confronting the dangers posed by international arrangements, treaties and institutions that sap U.S. sovereignty.
He introduced a bill to get us out of the U.N., which not only would have saved some of our sovereignty but billions of American tax dollars that ended up in the coffers of corrupt bureaucrats.
Paul also denounces the U.N. for promoting a global tax on America, saying, “…if we are going to stop ongoing attempts of this world government body to tax us, we will need leadership from the White House.” Such a tax was proposed at the recent U.N. climate change conference, where the Bush Administration promised to help draft a new global warming treaty tougher and potentially more damaging to our economy than the first one that it rejected.
A fascinating article has just appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle on where the candidates stand on the U.N.’s International Criminal Court. In looking at Democrats and Republicans, it notes, “At one end of the spectrum is Mike Gravel, a former senator from Alaska and one of the Democrats who backs U.S. membership in the court. In a recent San Francisco appearance, he said he considers himself a ‘globalist’ and ‘a citizen of the human race, first and foremost. Only secondly do I consider myself an American.’ At the other end is Ron Paul, a Republican congressman from Texas, who said in 2002 that both the court and the United Nations ‘are inherently incompatible with national sovereignty. America must either remain a constitutional republic or submit to international law because it cannot do both.’”
“Unlike the rest of the Republican field,” reporter Bob Egelko said, “Sen. John McCain has said he would like to see the United States join the international court, although he would first require more protections for U.S. personnel.” The ICC would strip Americans of Bill of Rights protections if they were apprehended and put on trial for alleged international crimes. The article did not explain how McCain would change the institution, which is now in existence, in order to require those protections. Most of the rest of the world, led by the European Union, rejected any safeguards for U.S. citizens.
One of the most critical constitutional protections rejected by the ICC is trial by jury. Foreign judges preside over ICC cases. So it really cannot be “fixed” to accommodate American concerns.
The fact of McCain’s support for the anti-American ICC could prove fatal to his campaign, if it is widely publicized. It has gotten very little attention until now. However, I discovered a press release from the Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) back in January of 2005 hailing McCain for his support of the ICC. While McCain was quoted as saying about the ICC, “I’m not satisfied that there are enough safeguards” for U.S. citizens, the CGS said that “his declaration at the World Economic Forum was the strongest indication to date that he would be in favor of the United States joining the ICC in the near future.”
One can understand why McCain wouldn’t want these comments publicized, as he seems to be gathering momentum in the presidential race, and why he wouldn’t want the CGS “endorsement” of his views given any publicity. The CGS is the new name of the World Federalist Association, a group that openly favors world government financed by global taxes. Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton endorsed the group’s activities when she was First Lady.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Moving Toward Fascism
Unlike Fox News, The New York Times, and countless others of the USA press, it is interesting how foreign press can report without adding negative adjectives.
Dec. 24, 2007
U.S. Candidate Sees Fascist Leanings
The United States is developing in the direction of a moderate form of fascism, in which civil rights are lost and the corporations runs everything, stated Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul on NBC television network.
“I think this country, our movement in the last 100 years, is moving toward fascism,” Paul said. “We have more corporatism, more abuse of our civil liberties, more loss of our privacy, national ID cards, all this stuff that's coming has a fascist tone to it, and the country's moving in that direction… I think we're approaching it very close.”
Dec. 24, 2007
U.S. Candidate Sees Fascist Leanings
The United States is developing in the direction of a moderate form of fascism, in which civil rights are lost and the corporations runs everything, stated Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul on NBC television network.
“I think this country, our movement in the last 100 years, is moving toward fascism,” Paul said. “We have more corporatism, more abuse of our civil liberties, more loss of our privacy, national ID cards, all this stuff that's coming has a fascist tone to it, and the country's moving in that direction… I think we're approaching it very close.”
Ron Paul Denounces Yushchenko Financing
Dec. 10, 2004
U.S. Congressman Denounces Yushchenko Financing
December 10, U.S. Republican Congressman Ron Paul has demanded to investigate the information on financial support of Viktor Yushchenko’s campaign paid by U.S. tax payers.
The Congressman said he “wholeheartedly” agreed with President Bush who said that “Any election [in Ukraine], if there is one, ought to be free from any foreign influence." However, he said that in spite of Bush’s words “several U.S. government agencies saw things differently and sent U.S. taxpayer dollars into Ukraine in attempt to influence the outcome.”
“We do not know exactly how many millions – or tens of millions – of dollars the United States government spent on the presidential election in Ukraine. We do know that much of that money was targeted to assist one particular candidate, and that through a series of cut-out non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – both American and Ukrainian – millions of dollars ended up in support of the presidential candidate, Viktor Yushchenko,” Ron Paul Stated.
U.S. Congressman Denounces Yushchenko Financing
December 10, U.S. Republican Congressman Ron Paul has demanded to investigate the information on financial support of Viktor Yushchenko’s campaign paid by U.S. tax payers.
The Congressman said he “wholeheartedly” agreed with President Bush who said that “Any election [in Ukraine], if there is one, ought to be free from any foreign influence." However, he said that in spite of Bush’s words “several U.S. government agencies saw things differently and sent U.S. taxpayer dollars into Ukraine in attempt to influence the outcome.”
“We do not know exactly how many millions – or tens of millions – of dollars the United States government spent on the presidential election in Ukraine. We do know that much of that money was targeted to assist one particular candidate, and that through a series of cut-out non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – both American and Ukrainian – millions of dollars ended up in support of the presidential candidate, Viktor Yushchenko,” Ron Paul Stated.
Limited Constitutional Government
Ron Paul for President
From Russ Chastain,
Pro-Freedom Candidate for USA President in 2008
September 13, 2007
Well folks, I'm having a hard time believing it, but it's true.
We actually have a candidate for President of the United States who has principles, lives by them, and believes in what this nation was founded on - limited Constitutional government.
From Russ Chastain,
Pro-Freedom Candidate for USA President in 2008
September 13, 2007
Well folks, I'm having a hard time believing it, but it's true.
We actually have a candidate for President of the United States who has principles, lives by them, and believes in what this nation was founded on - limited Constitutional government.
Black Swan Sightings
If you’ve read Saxo Bank’s yearly Outlooks over the last few years, you’ll know we don’t hold back in our annual attempt to predict the black swan sightings in global markets for the year ahead. Remember though, these predictions are made more in an attempt to provoke thought than at accuracy! This year, we have to mention our predictions are a bit on the pessimistic side – so let’s hope that we’re very wrong with the gloomiest of them.
1) Ron Paul elected President of the United States
We’re starting with the most outrageous first! One would imagine that a party with the least popular president to inhabit the White House – ever – wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Texas of getting a new candidate elected to the presidency. But Ron Paul is no George Bush Jr., even if he is a Republican like Bush and is from Texas like Bush. His libertarian, anti-war platform is about three standard deviations away from the platform of any other Republican candidate — or even Hilary Clinton, for that matter. Paul’s share in the Republican candidate polls has rocketed from 1 % to 6% in the space of a few months and there is the best part of a year to go until the election. As should be clear from this year’s Outlook, we are quite negative on the US economy in 2008. A general slowdown and stock market turmoil should increase the odds of a Ron Paul nomination as he has been the only candidate to speak frankly about the budget and
current account deficits and the dollar crisis.
2) S&P500 falls 25% from its 2007 high to 1182
Why 1182? That would be an exact 25% drop from the 1576 high the S&P500 index reached in mid- October of this year. History shows that a stock market drops 15-30% when housing markets fail. “Easy Al Greenspan” and “the slice and dice any manner of junk and pass on the risk to your clients” investment banking paradigm triggered the biggest housing bubble in US history. The unwind from the height has already been severe – by some measures the most severe since the Great Depression – but it has further to go. So we are daring to forecast that the fall in the major ...
1) Ron Paul elected President of the United States
We’re starting with the most outrageous first! One would imagine that a party with the least popular president to inhabit the White House – ever – wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in Texas of getting a new candidate elected to the presidency. But Ron Paul is no George Bush Jr., even if he is a Republican like Bush and is from Texas like Bush. His libertarian, anti-war platform is about three standard deviations away from the platform of any other Republican candidate — or even Hilary Clinton, for that matter. Paul’s share in the Republican candidate polls has rocketed from 1 % to 6% in the space of a few months and there is the best part of a year to go until the election. As should be clear from this year’s Outlook, we are quite negative on the US economy in 2008. A general slowdown and stock market turmoil should increase the odds of a Ron Paul nomination as he has been the only candidate to speak frankly about the budget and
current account deficits and the dollar crisis.
2) S&P500 falls 25% from its 2007 high to 1182
Why 1182? That would be an exact 25% drop from the 1576 high the S&P500 index reached in mid- October of this year. History shows that a stock market drops 15-30% when housing markets fail. “Easy Al Greenspan” and “the slice and dice any manner of junk and pass on the risk to your clients” investment banking paradigm triggered the biggest housing bubble in US history. The unwind from the height has already been severe – by some measures the most severe since the Great Depression – but it has further to go. So we are daring to forecast that the fall in the major ...
Cops Applaud Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
Cops Applaud Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
by Jim Kouri
While most of the politicians vying for their party's nomination for President of the United States pay lip service to the nation's law enforcement officers, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is actually doing something to earn the respect and gratitude of America's cops, according to many police officers and organizations.
For example, the American Federation of Police -- with well over 100,000 members -- recently praised Ron Paul for introducing a bill that would help cops obtain topnotch body armor that would withstand rounds fired from most firearms.
"It's a joke how these cops are used as props during election campaigns. But Ron Paul doesn't pay cops lip service -- he actually works to help them enforce the law," said another cop forced to pose with Sen. Clinton during one of her staged "rallies."
Public opinion service Rasmussen Reports recently released data from its October 12-14 polling that indicates that Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul leads his GOP opponents against Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton among likely voters ages 30-49.
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a staff writer for the New Media Alliance
by Jim Kouri
While most of the politicians vying for their party's nomination for President of the United States pay lip service to the nation's law enforcement officers, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is actually doing something to earn the respect and gratitude of America's cops, according to many police officers and organizations.
For example, the American Federation of Police -- with well over 100,000 members -- recently praised Ron Paul for introducing a bill that would help cops obtain topnotch body armor that would withstand rounds fired from most firearms.
"It's a joke how these cops are used as props during election campaigns. But Ron Paul doesn't pay cops lip service -- he actually works to help them enforce the law," said another cop forced to pose with Sen. Clinton during one of her staged "rallies."
Public opinion service Rasmussen Reports recently released data from its October 12-14 polling that indicates that Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul leads his GOP opponents against Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton among likely voters ages 30-49.
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a staff writer for the New Media Alliance
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
"NH Asks" Questions & Answers
Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who has answered the six questions on various issues.
NH Asks Ron Paul Question 3:
The Fourth Amendment contained in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. As President, do you pledge to uphold this provision 100% and without exception?
Question 3 Answer:
I absolutely pledge, without exception, to uphold the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. When the Founders affixed their names to the Constitution, they could not have imagined the abuses and usurpations of privacy that would be committed in the name of security. We must oppose state control of society, and demand freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
NH Asks Ron Paul Question 3:
The Fourth Amendment contained in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. As President, do you pledge to uphold this provision 100% and without exception?
Question 3 Answer:
I absolutely pledge, without exception, to uphold the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. When the Founders affixed their names to the Constitution, they could not have imagined the abuses and usurpations of privacy that would be committed in the name of security. We must oppose state control of society, and demand freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.
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