Ron Paul: an absolute faith in free markets and less government
The 10-term congressman from Texas has been a strict constitutionalist since he came into public life some 30 years ago.
By Gail Russell Chaddock | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
from the January 2, 2008 edition
His message is basic: freedom and limited government. Repeal the welfare-warfare state. Get out of Iraq, now. Abolish the income tax. End the war on drugs. Put the dollar back on a more solid footing.
"Unlike some others, I wasn't really anxious to run for president," he tells supporters at Tea Bird's Café and Bistro in Berlin, N.H. "I didn't believe the country was ready for a strict constitutionalist."
Monday, December 31, 2007
A Foreign Policy Of Freedom
Dr. Ron Paul's book on foreign policy, A Foreign Policy Of Freedom,is described here.
Ron Paul Is The Only Viable Peace Candidate
Ron Paul: a Means to an End
by Caleb Friz
Let me be clear: Ron Paul is the only viable peace candidate in the presidential race. He has the money, he has the organization on the ground in the early primary states, he has the buzz, the press coverage, and the momentum to win the Republican nomination. Most importantly, he has the platform to unite perceived enemies behind the same message of peace, liberty, and prosperity. . . But in order to do that, he's going to need some help from some unlikely places, namely us, the liberal/progressive end of the democratic party.
Why should we support him?
Because he has the message that we have been waiting for. Ron Paul has done more to convince conservatives that the war is an immoral failure than 5 years of 'raising consciousness' has been able to achieve. Ron Paul's stance on the war, on the military-industiral complex, and on American foreign-policy in general is a peace activist's wet dream. And yet he still has the Republican credentials to reach across the aisle and pick up a large contingent of support from hardcore conservaties.
by Caleb Friz
Let me be clear: Ron Paul is the only viable peace candidate in the presidential race. He has the money, he has the organization on the ground in the early primary states, he has the buzz, the press coverage, and the momentum to win the Republican nomination. Most importantly, he has the platform to unite perceived enemies behind the same message of peace, liberty, and prosperity. . . But in order to do that, he's going to need some help from some unlikely places, namely us, the liberal/progressive end of the democratic party.
Why should we support him?
Because he has the message that we have been waiting for. Ron Paul has done more to convince conservatives that the war is an immoral failure than 5 years of 'raising consciousness' has been able to achieve. Ron Paul's stance on the war, on the military-industiral complex, and on American foreign-policy in general is a peace activist's wet dream. And yet he still has the Republican credentials to reach across the aisle and pick up a large contingent of support from hardcore conservaties.
Freedom and the Free Market
Freedom and the Free Market
The Ron Paul Attraction
By Henry Lamb Monday, December 31, 2007
It is impossible to champion the principles of freedom, while at the same time, embracing the Law of the Sea Treaty - as far too many Republicans have done. Ron Paul rejects this, and other treaties that bring no benefit to the United States, while encumbering this nation with sovereignty-stealing, money-draining obligations to an international authority.
The Ron Paul Attraction
By Henry Lamb Monday, December 31, 2007
It is impossible to champion the principles of freedom, while at the same time, embracing the Law of the Sea Treaty - as far too many Republicans have done. Ron Paul rejects this, and other treaties that bring no benefit to the United States, while encumbering this nation with sovereignty-stealing, money-draining obligations to an international authority.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Fox News Refuses To Air Ron Paul In Debate
Fox News refuses to air Ron Paul in debate
By Stone Martindale Dec 30, 2007, 1:25 GMT
GOP candidate Doctor Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network "is scared" of him.
"They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out, but it will," Paul said in an interview with Jeff Pindell of at a Plaistow, New Hampshire diner.
"They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative." ...
Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Press Release
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008. ...
By Stone Martindale Dec 30, 2007, 1:25 GMT
GOP candidate Doctor Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network "is scared" of him.
"They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out, but it will," Paul said in an interview with Jeff Pindell of at a Plaistow, New Hampshire diner.
"They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative." ...
Ron Paul Presidential Campaign Press Release
ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – According to the New Hampshire State Republican Party and an Associated Press report, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008. ...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
New York Times Retracts Their Bashing
Main Stream Media (MSM) retracts wild allegations after several days of comments by regular people who easily disproved the wildly inaccurate allegations made by Virginia Hefferman and The New York Times.
After 277 comments correcting the inaccuracies, the paper closed the article to new comments.
December 24, 2007, 12:40 pm
The Ron Paul Vid-Lash
By Virginia Heffernan
Editors’ Note: The post below, which appeared on The Medium on Monday, contained several errors. Stormfront, which describes itself as a “white nationalist” Internet community, did not give money to Ron Paul’s presidential campaign; according to Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Paul’s campaign, it was Don Black, the founder of Stormfront, who donated $500 to Paul. The post also repeated a string of assertions by Bill White, the commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, including the allegation that Paul meets regularly “with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review and others” at a restaurant in Arlington, Va. Paul never attended these dinners, according to Benton, who also says that Paul has never knowingly met Bill White. Norman Singleton, a congressional aide in Paul’s office, says that he met Bill White at a dinner gathering of conservatives several years ago, after which Singleton expressed his indignation at the views espoused by White to the organizer of the dinner. The post should not have been published with these unverified assertions and without any response from Paul.
After 277 comments correcting the inaccuracies, the paper closed the article to new comments.
December 24, 2007, 12:40 pm
The Ron Paul Vid-Lash
By Virginia Heffernan
Editors’ Note: The post below, which appeared on The Medium on Monday, contained several errors. Stormfront, which describes itself as a “white nationalist” Internet community, did not give money to Ron Paul’s presidential campaign; according to Jesse Benton, a spokesman for Paul’s campaign, it was Don Black, the founder of Stormfront, who donated $500 to Paul. The post also repeated a string of assertions by Bill White, the commander of the American National Socialist Workers Party, including the allegation that Paul meets regularly “with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review and others” at a restaurant in Arlington, Va. Paul never attended these dinners, according to Benton, who also says that Paul has never knowingly met Bill White. Norman Singleton, a congressional aide in Paul’s office, says that he met Bill White at a dinner gathering of conservatives several years ago, after which Singleton expressed his indignation at the views espoused by White to the organizer of the dinner. The post should not have been published with these unverified assertions and without any response from Paul.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Ron Paul endorsements. Many endorsements from individuals with diverse backgrounds, including investor Jim Rogers.
Adam Curry, of early MTV years, endorses Ron Paul.
Adam Curry, of early MTV years, endorses Ron Paul.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Competition in Currency Act
Do we believe in state planned socialism, or do we believe in a free market of ideas and competition? Private competition works, and government sponsored great ideas don't work (FEMA, dollar losing value).
Statement Introducing the Free Competition in Currency Act
13 December 2007
Rep. Ron Paul, M.D.
Madame Speaker, I rise to introduce the Free Competition in Currency Act. This act would eliminate two sections of US Code that, although ostensibly intended to punish counterfeiters, have instead been used by the government to shut down private mints. As anti-counterfeiting measures, these sections are superfluous, as 18 USC 485, 490, and 491 already grant sufficient authority to punish counterfeiters.
The two sections this bill repeals, 18 USC 486 and 489, are so broadly written as to effectively restrict any form of private coinage from competing with the products of the United States Mint. Allowing such statutes to remain in force as a catch-all provision merely encourages prosecutorial abuse. One particular egregious recent example is that of the Liberty Dollar, in which federal agents seized millions of dollars worth of private currency held by a private mint on behalf of thousands of people across the country.
Due to nearly a century of inflationary monetary policy on the part of the Federal Reserve, the US dollar stands at historically low levels. Investors around the world are shunning the dollar, and millions of Americans see their salaries, savings accounts, and pensions eroded away by rising inflation. We stand on the precipice of an unprecedented monetary collapse, and as a result many people have begun to look for alternatives to the dollar.
Statement Introducing the Free Competition in Currency Act
13 December 2007
Rep. Ron Paul, M.D.
Madame Speaker, I rise to introduce the Free Competition in Currency Act. This act would eliminate two sections of US Code that, although ostensibly intended to punish counterfeiters, have instead been used by the government to shut down private mints. As anti-counterfeiting measures, these sections are superfluous, as 18 USC 485, 490, and 491 already grant sufficient authority to punish counterfeiters.
The two sections this bill repeals, 18 USC 486 and 489, are so broadly written as to effectively restrict any form of private coinage from competing with the products of the United States Mint. Allowing such statutes to remain in force as a catch-all provision merely encourages prosecutorial abuse. One particular egregious recent example is that of the Liberty Dollar, in which federal agents seized millions of dollars worth of private currency held by a private mint on behalf of thousands of people across the country.
Due to nearly a century of inflationary monetary policy on the part of the Federal Reserve, the US dollar stands at historically low levels. Investors around the world are shunning the dollar, and millions of Americans see their salaries, savings accounts, and pensions eroded away by rising inflation. We stand on the precipice of an unprecedented monetary collapse, and as a result many people have begun to look for alternatives to the dollar.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Taxpayers Group Lauds Rep. Paul
Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Taxpayers group lauds Rep. Paul
Austin Business Journal
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, D-Texas, continues his pro-taxpayer streak in the House, a nonpartisan taxpayers watchdog group declares.
With an 88 percent rating, Paul achieved the highest score of any House member in the National Taxpayers Union's annual congressional ranking for 2002. Paul claimed the top spot in the House for the fourth consecutive year.
Taxpayers group lauds Rep. Paul
Austin Business Journal
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, D-Texas, continues his pro-taxpayer streak in the House, a nonpartisan taxpayers watchdog group declares.
With an 88 percent rating, Paul achieved the highest score of any House member in the National Taxpayers Union's annual congressional ranking for 2002. Paul claimed the top spot in the House for the fourth consecutive year.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Mahatma Paul
Mahatma Paul
Hal O'Boyle
December 19, 2007
More than anything, however, Ron Paul's supporters are responding to something we've never seen in national politics: a man of principle, advocating and living his principles. A honest, honorable man speaking plain truth in a forum where truth is shunned like a leper.
The income tax is unnecessary and tyrannical.
The Federal Reserve rewards speculation and recklessness while punishing hard work and thrift.
Inflation is a larcenous tax.
Foreign wars are a tragic waste of American blood and treasure.
The War on Terror is a fraud.
The Department of Homeland Security is a massive, useless waste of time and resources.
Many government agencies are more a burden than a benefit to the American people.
Hal O'Boyle
December 19, 2007
More than anything, however, Ron Paul's supporters are responding to something we've never seen in national politics: a man of principle, advocating and living his principles. A honest, honorable man speaking plain truth in a forum where truth is shunned like a leper.
The income tax is unnecessary and tyrannical.
The Federal Reserve rewards speculation and recklessness while punishing hard work and thrift.
Inflation is a larcenous tax.
Foreign wars are a tragic waste of American blood and treasure.
The War on Terror is a fraud.
The Department of Homeland Security is a massive, useless waste of time and resources.
Many government agencies are more a burden than a benefit to the American people.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Paul Takes No Credit For Supporters' Revolution
Dr. Ron Paul takes the Founding Father's message of a humble foreign policy. As this article shows, he is also humble in accepting praise.
“A large number of people — young people, some independents, Republicans and those who have never voted before — are shouting: ‘Enough is enough,’” he said. “It gives the campaign strength, but the measurement of that strength is to be determined.”
“A large number of people — young people, some independents, Republicans and those who have never voted before — are shouting: ‘Enough is enough,’” he said. “It gives the campaign strength, but the measurement of that strength is to be determined.”
New Hampshire Polling - AP Reporting
The following was seen

These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published.
The Associated Press
Published: December 19, 2007
New Hampshire - Primary
20 of 301 precincts - 7 percent
0 of 21 Delegates allocated
Hugh Cort 0 - 0 percent
John Cox 0 - 0 percent
Neal Fendig 0 - 0 percent
Daniel Gilbert 0 - 0 percent
Rudolph Giuliani 0 - 0 percent
Albert Howard 0 - 0 percent
Mike Huckabee 0 - 0 percent
Duncan Hunter 0 - 0 percent
Alan Keyes 0 - 0 percent
Mark Klein 0 - 0 percent
Stephen Marchuk 0 - 0 percent
John McCain 0 - 0 percent
James Mitchell 0 - 0 percent
Cornelius O'Connor 0 - 0 percent
Ron Paul 0 - 0 percent
Mitt Romney 0 - 0 percent
Jack Shepard 0 - 0 percent
Vermin Supreme 0 - 0 percent
Thomas Tancredo 0 - 0 percent
Fred Thompson 0 - 0 percent
Vern Wuensche 0 - 0 percent

These are TEST returns. They must not be broadcast or published.
The Associated Press
Published: December 19, 2007
New Hampshire - Primary
20 of 301 precincts - 7 percent
0 of 21 Delegates allocated
Hugh Cort 0 - 0 percent
John Cox 0 - 0 percent
Neal Fendig 0 - 0 percent
Daniel Gilbert 0 - 0 percent
Rudolph Giuliani 0 - 0 percent
Albert Howard 0 - 0 percent
Mike Huckabee 0 - 0 percent
Duncan Hunter 0 - 0 percent
Alan Keyes 0 - 0 percent
Mark Klein 0 - 0 percent
Stephen Marchuk 0 - 0 percent
John McCain 0 - 0 percent
James Mitchell 0 - 0 percent
Cornelius O'Connor 0 - 0 percent
Ron Paul 0 - 0 percent
Mitt Romney 0 - 0 percent
Jack Shepard 0 - 0 percent
Vermin Supreme 0 - 0 percent
Thomas Tancredo 0 - 0 percent
Fred Thompson 0 - 0 percent
Vern Wuensche 0 - 0 percent
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Money Gets Attention
Dr. Ron Paul's Republican presidential campaign fund is getting attention because of the money that has been raised. home page has this article. The article says his polling numbers are moving up and into the double digits, with 11% in South Carolina.

Ron Paul is now the GOP frontrunner
Ron Paul has emerged the Republican frontrunner despite media censorship. Media outlets that state otherwise are not being honest. The idea that a media generated polls should somehow be more important than grassroots fund raising generated by thousands of donations is absurd.

Ron Paul is now the GOP frontrunner
Ron Paul has emerged the Republican frontrunner despite media censorship. Media outlets that state otherwise are not being honest. The idea that a media generated polls should somehow be more important than grassroots fund raising generated by thousands of donations is absurd.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ron Paul Interview By John Stossel
John Stossel: My interview with Ron Paul
What should government do?
Ron Paul: Protect our freedoms. Have a strong national defense. Look at and take care of our borders. Have a sound currency. That was the responsibility of the federal government, not to run our lives and run everything in the economy and extend the interstate-commerce clause and the general-welfare clause to do anything they want to do.
So government creates too many rules, and the wrong ones?
That's basically it. Most of the time well-intentioned -- but good intentions will not solve our problems.
What should government do?
Ron Paul: Protect our freedoms. Have a strong national defense. Look at and take care of our borders. Have a sound currency. That was the responsibility of the federal government, not to run our lives and run everything in the economy and extend the interstate-commerce clause and the general-welfare clause to do anything they want to do.
So government creates too many rules, and the wrong ones?
That's basically it. Most of the time well-intentioned -- but good intentions will not solve our problems.
Founding Fathers Would Endorse Ron Paul
Empirical Proof That The Founding Fathers Would Endorse Ron Paul
Constitutional law as defined by Wikipedia, is the study of foundational or basic laws of nation states and other political organizations. Constitutions are the framework for government and may limit or define the authority and procedure of political bodies to execute new laws and regulations.
As we all know, the United States is governed by a Constitution as well but have we lost sight of this? Has our government set aside the rights of its individuals?
It is apparent from watching the Republican and Democratic debates that the Constitution has become a very important talking point but what has caused this?
Let's start answering some of the questions.
According to many, politicians are averting the rights of its citizens with laws like the Patriot Act, rendition, and the loss of habeas corpus. Not to mention the legality of the Iraq invasion. Ron Paul's success stems from the fact that he preaches a return to Constitutional principles. But when all of the other candidates start preaching the same thing it becomes muddled as to which politician is true to the Constitution and which politician says it merely for personal gain.
First, I would like to mention that it is because of Ron Paul that the candidates have begun to preach the importance of the Constitution.
War: The President should not hold the power to start wars. If a war is a just war then it should be so deemed by the Congress of the United States. Ron Paul is not oppossed to war, he is just oppossed to wars that can be started by one individual. It is the only way to protect ourselves from tyranny.
Economy: The powers not vested to the federal government shall be left to the states because we do not want the federal government to do too much. Once it does, it would then be forced to print more money and cause the inflationary tax Ron Paul speaks about.
State's Rights: Ron Paul believes the states should have more rights for a reason. This is because the federal government is incapable of making a one-size fits all rule for the whole country. For example, mandating the use of seat belts on the national level could put a farmer out of business. Mandating the states to educate every child may overburden those states that have an illegal immigration problem.
The Constitution was drafted to protect ourselves from tyranny, bankruptcy, and laws that make no sense. Unfortunately, Ron Paul is the only candidate speaking out. For this reason, Ron Paul would be endorsed by the Founding Fathers. America became the greatest country on Earth because of the Founding Fathers and a Ron Paul presidency can ensure it stay that way.
Constitutional law as defined by Wikipedia, is the study of foundational or basic laws of nation states and other political organizations. Constitutions are the framework for government and may limit or define the authority and procedure of political bodies to execute new laws and regulations.
As we all know, the United States is governed by a Constitution as well but have we lost sight of this? Has our government set aside the rights of its individuals?
It is apparent from watching the Republican and Democratic debates that the Constitution has become a very important talking point but what has caused this?
Let's start answering some of the questions.
According to many, politicians are averting the rights of its citizens with laws like the Patriot Act, rendition, and the loss of habeas corpus. Not to mention the legality of the Iraq invasion. Ron Paul's success stems from the fact that he preaches a return to Constitutional principles. But when all of the other candidates start preaching the same thing it becomes muddled as to which politician is true to the Constitution and which politician says it merely for personal gain.
First, I would like to mention that it is because of Ron Paul that the candidates have begun to preach the importance of the Constitution.
War: The President should not hold the power to start wars. If a war is a just war then it should be so deemed by the Congress of the United States. Ron Paul is not oppossed to war, he is just oppossed to wars that can be started by one individual. It is the only way to protect ourselves from tyranny.
Economy: The powers not vested to the federal government shall be left to the states because we do not want the federal government to do too much. Once it does, it would then be forced to print more money and cause the inflationary tax Ron Paul speaks about.
State's Rights: Ron Paul believes the states should have more rights for a reason. This is because the federal government is incapable of making a one-size fits all rule for the whole country. For example, mandating the use of seat belts on the national level could put a farmer out of business. Mandating the states to educate every child may overburden those states that have an illegal immigration problem.
The Constitution was drafted to protect ourselves from tyranny, bankruptcy, and laws that make no sense. Unfortunately, Ron Paul is the only candidate speaking out. For this reason, Ron Paul would be endorsed by the Founding Fathers. America became the greatest country on Earth because of the Founding Fathers and a Ron Paul presidency can ensure it stay that way.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Constitution Can Save U.S.
Ron Paul: Constitution can save U.S.
By DOUG McMURDO - Associate Editor
Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:30 AM PST
ELKO - The groundwork needed to bring peace and prosperity back to the United States is already in place and has been for 231 years - it's called the Constitution, the document Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul wants the country to team up with again.
By DOUG McMURDO - Associate Editor
Saturday, December 15, 2007 12:30 AM PST
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Who Will Do What Government Is Doing?
Upon hearing that Dr. Ron Paul will reduce federal government spending and programs, a frequent concern is who will take care of things.
FEMA didn't take care of the people in New Orleans, so the federal government doesn't do a great job taking care of things.
Some alternatives to the federal government doing everything are:
Department of Education - already funded by state and local and local control could be restored
weather emergency response - FEMA showed incompetence in New Orleans. State, local, private charity (Red Cross) can do these tasks.
highway maintenance - already funded by per-gallon gas tax which could be given to the State
electrical appliance safety - Underwriters Laboratories already does voluntary safety testing (look for a "UL" sticker on your lamps)
toy safety - the federal consumer safety program is weak. Lead monitoring and safety testing could be voluntarily certified by a non-government program. Consumers could choose toys that are voluntarily certified.
FEMA didn't take care of the people in New Orleans, so the federal government doesn't do a great job taking care of things.
Some alternatives to the federal government doing everything are:
Department of Education - already funded by state and local and local control could be restored
weather emergency response - FEMA showed incompetence in New Orleans. State, local, private charity (Red Cross) can do these tasks.
highway maintenance - already funded by per-gallon gas tax which could be given to the State
electrical appliance safety - Underwriters Laboratories already does voluntary safety testing (look for a "UL" sticker on your lamps)
toy safety - the federal consumer safety program is weak. Lead monitoring and safety testing could be voluntarily certified by a non-government program. Consumers could choose toys that are voluntarily certified.
Time To Turn Away Ffrom Empire Building
Time to turn away from empire building
When Republican candidate Ron Paul suggested it is time to give Iraq back to the Iraqi people at a recent presidential debate, he was met with hostility, and no opportunity to respond or explain. John McCain attacked Paul's "isolationist" views by comparing them to the attitudes that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power before WWII. This was an argument I myself used to explain to friends why Sadaam should be taken out prior to the current war. That was four years ago.
I realize there are times when diplomacy fails and weapons of war may be necessary. Senator McCain's comment to Ron Paul, however, has no merit, other than to frighten uninformed Americans into supporting a failed foreign policy of empire building. Here's why I believe this is so.
When Republican candidate Ron Paul suggested it is time to give Iraq back to the Iraqi people at a recent presidential debate, he was met with hostility, and no opportunity to respond or explain. John McCain attacked Paul's "isolationist" views by comparing them to the attitudes that allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power before WWII. This was an argument I myself used to explain to friends why Sadaam should be taken out prior to the current war. That was four years ago.
I realize there are times when diplomacy fails and weapons of war may be necessary. Senator McCain's comment to Ron Paul, however, has no merit, other than to frighten uninformed Americans into supporting a failed foreign policy of empire building. Here's why I believe this is so.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ron Paul Grills Bernanke
Ron Paul has been saying these ideas for decades, and the country is now willing to listen. Even though this article shows bias against Ron Paul (using the word "rants), this shows the mainstream media is recognizing the considerable support for Ron Paul's message of limited federal government.
Ron Paul's YouTube rants about Bernanke grab attention
By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Texas Congressman Ron Paul is getting help from an improbable source in his long-shot bid for the Republican presidential nomination: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Video clips of Paul — who supports the gold standard and has sponsored a bill to abolish the Fed — ripping into Bernanke at congressional hearings are getting hundreds of thousands of hits on the video-sharing website YouTube.
ROUND 1 (VIDEO): Ron Paul lets loose on Bernanke
ROUND 2 (VIDEO): Ron Paul lets loose on Bernanke
Ron Paul's YouTube rants about Bernanke grab attention
By Sue Kirchhoff, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Texas Congressman Ron Paul is getting help from an improbable source in his long-shot bid for the Republican presidential nomination: Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.
Video clips of Paul — who supports the gold standard and has sponsored a bill to abolish the Fed — ripping into Bernanke at congressional hearings are getting hundreds of thousands of hits on the video-sharing website YouTube.
ROUND 1 (VIDEO): Ron Paul lets loose on Bernanke
ROUND 2 (VIDEO): Ron Paul lets loose on Bernanke
Letter Writing
The letter writing could be effective to reach people who won't listen to personal conversation, and those who aren't in situations to begin a personal conversation. These hand-written letters may encourage people to find out more about the message.
Ron Paul, a Write-In Candidate
A note in support of Dr. Paul.
While the presidential campaigns are sending out reams of colorful fliers and slick brochures, some residents in Iowa and New Hampshire were surprised to discover the neat cursive handwriting of Janice Kramer on an envelope in their mailbox.
In a move reminiscent of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's 2003 grassroots letter-writing campaign to Iowans, Kramer -- a registered nurse from Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin, just across the Iowa border -- is one of scores of people who have been mailing handwritten letters to Iowans on behalf of Ron Paul.
Writing on the front and back of a piece of notebook paper in light blue ball-point pen, Kramer told one prospective caucus-goer that she has been married 36 years, has 11 children, and is convinced that Paul would make the best president. "Please consider voting for Dr. Paul at your Republican caucus on January 3, 2008," Kramer wrote.
Ron Paul, a Write-In Candidate
A note in support of Dr. Paul.
While the presidential campaigns are sending out reams of colorful fliers and slick brochures, some residents in Iowa and New Hampshire were surprised to discover the neat cursive handwriting of Janice Kramer on an envelope in their mailbox.
In a move reminiscent of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's 2003 grassroots letter-writing campaign to Iowans, Kramer -- a registered nurse from Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin, just across the Iowa border -- is one of scores of people who have been mailing handwritten letters to Iowans on behalf of Ron Paul.
Writing on the front and back of a piece of notebook paper in light blue ball-point pen, Kramer told one prospective caucus-goer that she has been married 36 years, has 11 children, and is convinced that Paul would make the best president. "Please consider voting for Dr. Paul at your Republican caucus on January 3, 2008," Kramer wrote.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Chasing Away Wealth
Ron Paul: Time to Kill the Death Tax
Published 12/10/2007 - 7:35 p.m. GMT
(PressMediaWire) ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – While many members of Congress have wavered on the issue, Ron Paul has always stood firm in advocating the permanent repeal of the unpopular death tax on estates and multi-generational gifts.
In support of repealing the death tax, Dr. Paul stated:
“It is troubling to me that this country is chasing away wealth, while entitlements recklessly grow. The power to tax is the power to destroy, and we are making strides towards destroying prosperity but expanding the welfare state. This is a dangerous and untenable trend.”
Published 12/10/2007 - 7:35 p.m. GMT
(PressMediaWire) ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – While many members of Congress have wavered on the issue, Ron Paul has always stood firm in advocating the permanent repeal of the unpopular death tax on estates and multi-generational gifts.
In support of repealing the death tax, Dr. Paul stated:
“It is troubling to me that this country is chasing away wealth, while entitlements recklessly grow. The power to tax is the power to destroy, and we are making strides towards destroying prosperity but expanding the welfare state. This is a dangerous and untenable trend.”
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Empty Pot
Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Bears Empty Pot For Americans
Carl Fiser
Ron Paul, like Ling, is a great truth-teller. His voting record is one of the most consistent this writer has ever seen. No flip-flops are to be found. As well, he is a courageous and wise man, and a heck of an economist.
Amazingly enough, his candidacy has been hijacked, and it appears now that the people are running for President. . . through Ron Paul! That’s the true revolution about which your neighbors are speaking.
Carl Fiser
Ron Paul, like Ling, is a great truth-teller. His voting record is one of the most consistent this writer has ever seen. No flip-flops are to be found. As well, he is a courageous and wise man, and a heck of an economist.
Amazingly enough, his candidacy has been hijacked, and it appears now that the people are running for President. . . through Ron Paul! That’s the true revolution about which your neighbors are speaking.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Nice, But Not Necessary
Florida GOP says: you will be hurt
Florida GOP Official Threatens Ron Paul Straw Poll Voter with Violence
Once at the straw poll, Sophie and others noticed that Mitt Romney supporters were voting for their candidate dozens of times each. The St. Petersburg Times would later document this in an article. Sophie was upset that the rules she had been told were not the rules after all. On Thursday, the day after the debate, she called chairman of the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee, Tonoy DiMatteo to inform him of the misdeeds that had occurred at the straw poll. She was shocked when he answered: "It's too bad for you, and if you start any trouble you will be hurt."
Once at the straw poll, Sophie and others noticed that Mitt Romney supporters were voting for their candidate dozens of times each. The St. Petersburg Times would later document this in an article. Sophie was upset that the rules she had been told were not the rules after all. On Thursday, the day after the debate, she called chairman of the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee, Tonoy DiMatteo to inform him of the misdeeds that had occurred at the straw poll. She was shocked when he answered: "It's too bad for you, and if you start any trouble you will be hurt."
Ron Paul wins Virginia GOP straw poll
The Republican party is being overwhelmed from the inside, using their party rules. The peaceful revolution is under way.
Ron Paul wins Virginia GOP straw poll
Saturday, Dec 01, 2007 - 07:47 PM
Arlington, VA - Ron Paul won an informal straw poll of Virginia Republicans Saturday at the state party's annual weekend retreat.
The Texas congressman got 182 of the 479 ballots cast, or 38 percent. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson finished second with 112 votes, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee third with 51.
Ron Paul wins Virginia GOP straw poll
Saturday, Dec 01, 2007 - 07:47 PM
Arlington, VA - Ron Paul won an informal straw poll of Virginia Republicans Saturday at the state party's annual weekend retreat.
The Texas congressman got 182 of the 479 ballots cast, or 38 percent. Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson finished second with 112 votes, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee third with 51.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Virginia GOP abandons loyalty pledge
"We have heard the voice of the people ..." The days of the GOP ignoring Dr. Ron Paul. There is still a GOP faction that will resist Dr. Ron Paul. Everyone would get along better if the GOP war faction would stop pushing war in Iraq.
GOP in Virginia abandons loyalty pledge
Published: Dec. 1, 2007 at 12:56 PM
RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 1 (UPI) -- Republican leaders in Virginia abandoned plans requiring voters to sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican presidential candidate before the Feb. 12 primary.
The 86-member Virginia Republican State Central Committee said Friday it deserted plans for Republicans to sign a pledge stating "I, the undersigned, pledge that I intend to support the nominee of the Republican Party for president," The Washington Post reported Saturday.
"We have heard the voice of the people," said Virginia's GOP party chairman, John H. Hager. "It's a new day, and our job has to be to build the party. We welcome new people into the party. We want as many people as possible participating if they share our principles and values."
A clause on the pledge said anyone refusing to sign "will not be permitted to vote."
GOP in Virginia abandons loyalty pledge
Published: Dec. 1, 2007 at 12:56 PM
RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 1 (UPI) -- Republican leaders in Virginia abandoned plans requiring voters to sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican presidential candidate before the Feb. 12 primary.
The 86-member Virginia Republican State Central Committee said Friday it deserted plans for Republicans to sign a pledge stating "I, the undersigned, pledge that I intend to support the nominee of the Republican Party for president," The Washington Post reported Saturday.
"We have heard the voice of the people," said Virginia's GOP party chairman, John H. Hager. "It's a new day, and our job has to be to build the party. We welcome new people into the party. We want as many people as possible participating if they share our principles and values."
A clause on the pledge said anyone refusing to sign "will not be permitted to vote."
How would you strengthen the economy?
Ron Paul on the Evil Fed, the IRS, and Saving the Buck
By Maria Bartiromo
As President, how would you strengthen the economy?
The most important thing is to get control of the budget, because the more we spend and the higher the deficit, the more we have to tax and borrow and inflate the currency—literally create new credit to buy Treasury bills. We need to restore confidence in the dollar before [its decline] gets out of control. The easiest place to cut spending is overseas because it's doing so much harm to us, undermining our national defense and ruining our budget. I would start saving hundreds of billions of dollars by giving up on defending the American empire. I'd start bringing our troops home, not only from the Middle East but from Korea, Japan, and Europe, and save enough money to slash the deficit. We can actually pay down the national debt and still take care of people here at home. That would restore a lot of confidence.
What is the most important change you would make?
Aim for the federal government to immediately live within its means, to take the pressure off the Fed to create money.
And that means what?
Means no more inflation. If the Fed doesn't create money out of thin air—and they do it mostly to accommodate the deficits—that would restore the soundness of the dollar and give us our purchasing power back.
But as President, you're supposed to be independent from the Fed. You would encourage the Fed to stop printing money?
You know this idea that we can create a secret bank and they manage things and rarely tell us—or Congress or the Executive Branch—what they're really doing, there's a problem there. I can't even go to a monetary policy board meeting of the Federal Reserve, and I'm on the Banking Committee of the U.S. Congress. I want open government, and certainly the Fed ought to be open. But it's an institution that really shouldn't exist. [Its financing] allows Big Government to get bigger without being responsible. And that's why we have runaway spending for both warfare and welfare.
By Maria Bartiromo
As President, how would you strengthen the economy?
The most important thing is to get control of the budget, because the more we spend and the higher the deficit, the more we have to tax and borrow and inflate the currency—literally create new credit to buy Treasury bills. We need to restore confidence in the dollar before [its decline] gets out of control. The easiest place to cut spending is overseas because it's doing so much harm to us, undermining our national defense and ruining our budget. I would start saving hundreds of billions of dollars by giving up on defending the American empire. I'd start bringing our troops home, not only from the Middle East but from Korea, Japan, and Europe, and save enough money to slash the deficit. We can actually pay down the national debt and still take care of people here at home. That would restore a lot of confidence.
What is the most important change you would make?
Aim for the federal government to immediately live within its means, to take the pressure off the Fed to create money.
And that means what?
Means no more inflation. If the Fed doesn't create money out of thin air—and they do it mostly to accommodate the deficits—that would restore the soundness of the dollar and give us our purchasing power back.
But as President, you're supposed to be independent from the Fed. You would encourage the Fed to stop printing money?
You know this idea that we can create a secret bank and they manage things and rarely tell us—or Congress or the Executive Branch—what they're really doing, there's a problem there. I can't even go to a monetary policy board meeting of the Federal Reserve, and I'm on the Banking Committee of the U.S. Congress. I want open government, and certainly the Fed ought to be open. But it's an institution that really shouldn't exist. [Its financing] allows Big Government to get bigger without being responsible. And that's why we have runaway spending for both warfare and welfare.
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